2009 Barak Obama became president of the United States. In 2008 the major US
banks failed and the US economy came crashing to its knees. It looked like
General Motors had seen its last days. The US was at war in 2 countries and the
costs were adding dramatically to the US national debt. At the end of his
second term in office no Republican wanted to be seen with President George
Bush. In fact he wasn’t even invited to the Republican’s national convention to
nominate a new guy for president. It was the worst of times for many Americans
with millions of them losing their jobs and life savings.
mistakes had been made when Bush was in office, not the least was the lack of
any regulations on Wall Street. For the first 2 years of Obama’s presidency the
Democrats had control over the 3 sectors of the US government. Most of these 2
years were spent trying to get the US economy going again. Right from the start
Republicans concentrated on their promise to make Obama a 1 term president. There
were no apologies for the mess Bush had left. Instead Republicans made the
decision to double down on the mistakes they had made before.
March of 2010 the ACA (Affordable Care Act or Obamacare) was passed. The bill
was based upon the delivery of healthcare in the state of Massachusetts which
was implemented by future presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The fact is that
the ACA is based on a Republican think tank idea. User pay or universal
healthcare was never on the table. The ACA would cover the expansion of
insurance based healthcare to millions of Americans who don’t presently have
insurance. A few of the more significant things about the bill were that it
would extend coverage on parent’s plans for their kids until they were 26,
prohibit insurance companies from rejecting people with pre-conditions. It
would also offer an exchange where a number of plans were offered which would be
of particular benefit to low income earners and the self-employed.
the takeover of the house, a number of Tea Party types were also elected. Largely
funded by right wing industrialists, the Koch brothers, the Tea Party
represents less than half of the Republican Party in the House of
Representatives. They do however hold power over the majority of the
Republicans with the threat of running a Tea Partier against incumbent
some ways it is hard to totally define Tea Partiers. They don’t have an
absolute leader. They are certainly for lower taxes and smaller government. One
thing is also certain and that is they are quite prepared to shut down the
government and wreak havoc with the US economy if they don’t get their way.
isn’t the first time right wing America has been willing to threaten the
American people. There are numerous examples.
the 1930’s Prescott Bush, H.W. Bush’s father had conversations with others
about using the militia to overthrow F.D.R. In the 1950’s Joseph McCarthy threw
around innuendos about who he suspected of being American Communists. It got so
bad and out of line that he was sanctioned by his own party. In the 60s there
was the John Birch Society, a radical right wing organization that among other
things wanted to destroy social security. The main theme with these right wing
nuts is their being anti-government. One of boldest results of these sentiments
was the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 which resulted in 168 deaths including 19
conveniently disregard history. Often they come across as people who want to
make America into what they remember the 50s being about to them. Leave It To Beaver and Father Knows Best kind
of stuff. It wasn’t real then and it isn’t real now.
Republican Party Over The Past 60 Years
last reasonable Republican president was Eisenhower who warned about the
military industrial complex before leaving office in 1960. By today’s
Republican standards Ike would be considered a Liberal. He had a close-up look
at WW2 and the devastation in Europe and did his best to keep America out of
foreign conflicts. He also was responsible for passing the Federal Highways Act
of 1956 that rebuilt the American highway system and he signed The Civil Rights
Act of 1957. He balanced the federal budget 3 times and ended the war in Korea.
On the downside he failed to provide any leadership on civil rights and never
personally denounced McCarthy.
1964 the lunatic from Arizona, Barry Goldwater, ran for president. He barely
beat out New York governor Nelson Rockefeller for the nomination. Rockefeller
later died “in the saddle” while committing adultery with his young mistress.
Goldwater’s basic foreign policy was to bomb the shit out of any country he
felt was a threat to the US’s welfare. He lost his presidential bid in one of
the biggest landslides in American political history.
up was Ronald Reagan, the patron saint of the Republican Party. He was elected
president in 1984 and again in 1988. Republicans today tend to ignore much of
Reagan’s record during his 8 years in office. They like to claim that Reagan
destroyed the USSR and brought the Russians to their knees when the truth is
that the Russians did the damage to themselves including being involved in a war
with Afghanistan which was draining them financially. Simply put, the Russians
were over extended in countries that wanted no part of them.
today’s Republican standards Reagan did a number of things wrong. During his
tenure Reagan tripled the national debt. He also expanded the federal
government and raised taxes a number of times. But this was just the tip of the
iceberg. Between 1981 and 1986 Reagan reduced the top corporate tax rate from
70% down to 28%. His “trickle down” economics concept was based on the wealthy
and major corporations using those savings to reinvest in businesses creating
more jobs. It never worked and the lost revenue since then is in the trillions.
During his time in office the national debt went from 997 billion to 2.85
during Reagan’s time in office the AIDS epidemic was raging and he virtually
ignored it.
Republicans today tend to totally forget the Iran-Contra Affair which occurred
under Reagan. At the time there was an arms embargo by the US as far as Iran
went. Iran was holding 7 Americans hostage. A deal was struck with
Israel where they would ship arms to Iran and the US would replenish those arms
to Israel. Some of the profits would be used to support the anti-Sandinistas
and anti-communists in Nicaragua also called the Contras. The Contras were also
funded by cocaine smuggling into the US.
1988 George H. W. Bush was elected president over a weak Democrat nominee,
Michael Dukakis. In his 4 years in office he increased the national debt by
13%. He famously said “Read my lips. No new taxes.” And then he did. Some might
also remember the 1st invasion of Iraq which was a reaction to
Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Bush Sr. had once been the CIA director. At the time
of the first Iraq War a young woman appeared on CBS’s 60 Minutes claiming that
the Iraqi soldiers had pulled the plugs on Kuwaiti baby incubators. We later
learned this wasn’t the only BS story to be made up about Iraq.
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Bush in fighter pilot gear. Never served in Viet Nam. ROTC records went missing. |
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Bush on board aircraft carrier after invasion of Iraq. Note sign in back of him. |
2001-2009 George W. Bush was president of the United States. In 2001 it was a
close election between Bush and Al Gore and came down to several hundred
questionable votes in Florida. Nine months into Bush’s first term the shit hit
the fan like it had never done before. All told close to 3000 people died in
New York City at the World Trade Center and on board the 4 planes that were
taken over by the terrorists.
changed a lot of things including how the US looked at national security. Air
travel would never be the same again. Most Americans were frightened. It was
always somewhere else on foreign shores that American lives were lost in this
kind of quantity. Most knew that there was going to be some ass kicking in
retaliation. Few realized what that price would be.
except one of the 19 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia. Next to Russia,
Saudi Arabia is the biggest producer of oil in the world. The Saudi royal
family had had amicable relations with the US and the terrorists camps were not
in their country. A decision was made to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. A bullshit
story was made up about weapons of mass destruction (WMD in Iraq) and presented
at the UN by Colin Powell, the Secretary of State for the US.
of Powell’s claims included the supposedly Iraqi purchase of yellowcake which
could be used in the development of nuclear weapons from an African country. American
diplomat Joseph Wilson did some research in Africa and found the claim to be
untrue. In retaliation to Wilson’s claim vice president Dick Cheney’s
subordinate Scooter Libby outed Wilson’s
wife, CIA operative, Valerie Plame.
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Colin Powell lying at the UN. |
Democratic senators including Hilary Clinton and 82 Democratic house
representatives voted for the war in Iraq. Barak Obama wasn’t one of them.
Bush Junior’s time as president he put a number of things on the credit card.
The two wars, Medicaid Part D, and a massive tax cut for the very rich. After 8
years he had increased the national debt by about 5.7 trillion dollars. About a
79% increase. He also left a continuing debt after he left office because of
the bills he had passed.
Jr. is without a doubt the worst president in the history of the US. The wars
caused hundreds of thousands of deaths to innocent citizens in Iraq and
Afghanistan, over 4600 American soldier’s deaths, and thousands of wounded
American soldiers. Virtually nothing has improved for the citizens of Iraq and
Afghanistan and many are still dying at the hands of those in control.
the only bright light in Bush’s tenure was assisting in quelling the spread of
AIDs in Africa. His involvement with Hurricane Katrina was a disaster. "You are doing a hell of a job Brownie".
if all of this wasn’t enough, Bush was president when the financial meltdown
occurred in the US in 2008.
are a few more things that happened under his presidency.
more vacation time than any other president.
prosecutors who refused to abuse their positions for political purposes.
FISA laws and wiretapped Americans without warrants.
to plan for Iraq occupation.
torture to interrogate prisoners.
sexual torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
“Mission Accomplished” in Iraq on board aircraft carrier.
out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.
to appoint personal attorney Harriet Myers to the Supreme Court.
to Paul Wolfowitz telling him that the Iraq war would be paid for by oil from
lack of intellectual interest in his job.
you’re doing a fine job.” Katrina.
Guard records “disappeared”.
Pushed for elections in Palestine that led to Hamas victory and then tried to
overthrow them.
John McCain runs for president, selects a complete moron, Sarah Palin, as his
running mate. She thought Africa was a country. When the financial meltdown
occurred he suspended his campaign and ran up to Washington where he declared
“The economy is sound.” There is a long list of countries that McCain has
wanted to war with over the years. Obama wins election with 365 electoral votes
to McCain’s 173. Most of McCain’s electoral votes come from the US’s deep
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John McCain: Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran. |
The Tea Party marches on Washington. “Keep your dirty government hands off my
Medicare” one sign says.
Republicans take over congress led by the Tea Party. They claim their number
one priority is creating new jobs. Vote against any jobs bills presented by
Obama. Block any bills presented by the Democrats or Obama. They also block the appointments of federal
judges. Spend their time on a gay marriage, abortion, religion and vote to
defund Obamacare over 40 times.
Republicans hold a convention to select presidential nominee. The list of
candidates is like watching a clown car. Governor Perry has memory fart and
can’t remember the 3rd of 3 things he wants to talk about. Michelle
Bachman quickly proves that she is delusional. Several women accuse Herman Cain,
the 999 pizza guy, of having been molested by him. Catholic Rick Santorum,
whose wife once lived with an abortion doctor, is against birth control even
though over 90% of Catholic women have used it. 3 times married and adulterer
Newt Gingrich makes an ass out of himself. The front runner is Mitt Romney,
former governor of Massachusetts. Obomacare is a carbon copy of what Romney
implemented in Massachusetts. Romney claims his healthcare plan won’t work on a
national basis.
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Who left the asylum gates open? |
picks Paul Ryan as his running mate. Ryan is the architect of the Republican
Party’s proposed federal budget. Ryan’s plan includes increased tax breaks for
the very wealthy, massive cuts to programs for the poor, and turning Medicare
and SS into voucher systems.
general election is held and Obama wins with close to 5 million more people
voting for Obama than Romney, 332 electoral votes to 206 electoral votes. The
Senate is controlled by the Democrats and the House remains under the control
of the Republicans. The Republican base is mostly in the southern Bible Belt
and the Mid-west. A number of new Tea Party candidates are elected including
Canadian born Ted Cruz from Texas.
Tea Party starts to influence the House majority of Republicans with the threat
of running other candidates against incumbent Republicans who don’t tow the Tea
Party line.
Are Today’s Republicans?
they don’t represent all the very rich they insist on giving the very wealthy
and major corporations more and more tax breaks. They refer to the very wealthy
as the “job creators” which is based on false facts. Tax breaks have not
increased employment and many corporations pay zero taxes. Among the Republican
Party’s biggest contributors are industrialist billionaires the Koch brothers
who are against any environmental controls and gambling magnate Sheldon Adelman.
racism has diminished in the US in the past 50 years there are still pockets of
people who hate the idea of a black man being president. Something like 8% of
Republicans think that Obamacare is worse than the Affordable Care Act when
they are one in the same. Close
to 50% of Republicans believe Obama was born in Kenya even after he revealed
both a long and short birth certificate. They also ignore the fact that 2
newspapers in Hawaii posted his birth when Obama was born. Republicans have no
questions about Ted Cruz being born in Canada or John McCain being born in the
Panama Canal Zone.
members of the NRA (National Rifle Association) are Republicans. They believe
it is their divine right (the 2nd Amendment) to be able to possess
pretty well any kind of gun they desire to.
is a big part of the Republican Party and mostly Evangelicals. The party caters
to their views on homosexuality, gay marriage, and abortion. They are joined by
a number of staunch Catholics. ![]() |
Then I told them that I believe in angels. |
party also has a voice in FOX News which is totally right wing. Along with Talk
Radios’s Rush Limbaugh and others, millions of low level information sorts tune
in daily to get their fix on lies and distortions.
of the American media tries to portray today’s American politics as having
extremists from both the right and the left. Other than the delusional Anthony
Weiner, I can’t think of any extremist Democrat. I could offer up a laundry
list of extreme right wingers.
right in the US is about creating fears in people. From religious stuff to
racism, from immigration to welfare cheats, to abortion, gay marriage, and
homosexuality, from minorities to women’s healthcare rights, anything that can
stir the pot and make morons angry.
Of The Lies Or Distortions Told By The Republican Party To The American People
That Social Security And Medicare Are Going To Go Bankrupt.
cost of healthcare insurance has increased over 138% over the past 10 years in
America. Republiicans just ignore this
fact. Neither SS or Medicare are free. Most of the money used to pay for these
entitlements comes from payroll deductions. A simple slight increase in the
payroll deductions solves the problem of these entitlements collapsing. The
average life expectancy of Americans today is 78 years. What this means is that
the average American will be using these entitlements for 13 years after they
have spent their adult years contributing.
That Obama Is A Socialist And Turning More And More Of The Private Sector Into
Socialist Entities.
of all no businesses have been forced into becoming a Socialist entitiy. Even
entitlement programs are not even totally Socialist. Take Medicare for example.
All of the goods needed to run this program come from the private sector
including food, medical equipment, vehicles, cleaning products, hospital
uniforms, kitchen equipment, televisions, pharmaceuticals, hospital beds, and
on and on. It amounts to billions and billions of dollars spent in the private
That Republicans Are More Fiscally Responsible Than Democrats.
false. History tells a different story. Republicans voted almost unanimously
for the unfunded bills that Bush Jr. passed including the wars, Medicaid Part
D, and the tax break giveaways to the very rich and corporate America. The costs
of these things have added trillions to the US national debt.
is the proof about how Democratic presidents and Republican presidents have handled
fiscal responsibility in the past 40 years.
President Years Start
Debt/GDP End Debt/GDP Increase
In Debt % Increase In Debt
In Billions
Kennedy/Johnson 61-65 55.2 % 46.9% +30 -8.3%
Johnson 65-69 46.9% 38.6% +43 -3%
Nixon 69-73 38.6% 35.6% +101 -3%
Nixon/Ford 73-77 35.6% 35.8% +177 +.2%
Carter 77-81 35.8% 32.5% +288 -3.3%
Reagan 81-85 32.5% 43.8% +823 +11.3%
Reagan 85-89 43.8% 53.1% +1050 +9.3%
Sr. 89-93 53.1% 66.1% +1483 +13%
Clinton 93-97 66.1% 65.4% +1018 -.7%
Clinton 97-01 65.4% 56.4% +401 -9%
Jr. 01-05
56.4% 63.5% +2135 +7.1%
Jr. 05-09 63.5%
84.2% +3971 +20.7%
Obama 09-13
84.2% 102.7% +6061 +18.5%
current US national debt is 16 trillion, 744 billion. Under Republican presidents
since Nixon the debt was raised by 10 trillion dollars. Not included in those
figures are continuing debt caused by Bush Jr’s unfunded wars, the tax
giveaways, and Medicaid Part D. Currently the US national debt under Obama is
being paid down at the fastest rate since WW2.
Republican Party is for no abortion at all. This includes pregnancies caused by
rape or incest. It also includes situations where the mother’s health is at
risk. Not all Republicans favour these terms but most do. Very few Democrats
are for late term abortions or even mid-term abortions. By far most abortions
occur shortly after conception when the fetus has not really formed. Closing
abortion clinics forces women to find other means of aborting often at extreme
risk to their health. Anti-abortion laws take away women’s rights to control
their own bodies.
Financial Reform
2008 the US had a financial meltdown which was felt around the world. The right
wing likes to say that a good part of this was caused by people applying for
mortgages they couldn’t afford and that the banks were forced to accept these
applications. The truth is that banks operated as crooks. They packaged faulty
mortgages into derivatives and sold them off to 3rd parties knowing
they were faulty. After the meltdown and the loss of many people’s life savings
the banks and brokerage firms needed US federal assistance in order to survive.
They in turn awarded themselves hefty bonuses while laughing in the faces of
American taxpayers. Then they started hiring people off the street to forge
signatures on suspect mortgages. The Republican Party refuses to OK any type of
financial reform which means that another financial meltdown will occur again.
The NRA And Gun Control.
year there are a number of mass murders in the US. We see the grieving families
and sometimes pictures of their dead children. The Republican Party in concert
with the NRA refuses to restrict any kind of gun ownership including assault
rifles and large quantity magazine clips. The NRA’s response to tighter
ownership rules and some restrictions is to arm more people. Last year 11,000
Americans died from guns. In the UK 68 died and in Canada 165 died from guns.
The US has about 10 times the population that Canada has but 66 times more gun
deaths. It isn’t illegal to own a gun in Canada but you can’t buy one off the
back of a truck.
US is the only advanced country on the planet without universal healthcare. It
also has the most expensive healthcare. The healthcare insurance industry in
the US is a monopoly with anti-trust exemption. Two of the biggest insurers
have over 70 million customers each. The whole marketplace is controlled by 6-8
major insurance companies. The US is ranked 38th in the world in
healthcare delivery for its citizens.
average US household income is 50 thousand dollars. Health insurance premiums
monthly that are not paid for by the employer can amount to anywhere between
$1000.00 and $2000.00. Up until Obamacare this simply wasn’t affordable to most
Americans. Before Obamacare people could be rejected for having previous
are examples in the US where within a few miles of one another one hospital can
charge $45,000.00 for an operation while another charges only $7,000.00.
only reason universal healthcare is not available in the US is because of
political contributions by the insurance companies to the Republican Party and
some Blue Dog Democrats. Even at $1000.00 per month for a family of 4 for
healthcare that is one quarter of the average family’s yearly earnings.
hate anything that they consider to be socialist. Lies are often made up to
muddy the waters. Canada is often used as an example of a failed heath care
system. Stories are told about Canadians going south for medical procedures.
The truth is that a fraction of 1% of Canadians access American healthcare. A
much larger % of Americans buy their prescription drugs from Canada. Of the
Canadians that use American healthcare are those with dual citizenship, those
that want elective surgery and are willing to pay a high price for it if they
can get it quickly, those that become ill while travelling in the US, and
people who don’t want their friends to know that they have mental problems or
need substance abuse treatment.
the US the insurer dictates what medical coverage their clients get. Doctors
are often up to their ears in paperwork. Another big lie told about Canadian
health care is that the government is mixed up in people’s lives when it comes
to healthcare. The truth is that Canadians are never in contact with the
government on healthcare and can choose the doctor of their choice.
Obamcare is the law of the land in the US and has been for a number of years
now Republicans vote over and over to defund it and get rid of it. Why? Because
more and more Americans are going to realize that they have been overpaying for
healthcare. Once they come to that realization there will be a 2 tier system in
the US and Republicans fear the next step will be Medicare for all that can’t
afford the overpriced healthcare premiums they are now paying.
In the mid-term elections of 2010 Republicans promised to concentrate on job creation. Instead they chose to deal with divisive social issues like abortion and gay marriage. Other than further tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations Republicans have not come up with any ideas to spur job growth. They have rejected any and all jobs bills presented by the Democrats. Republicans like to talk about the very rich as being job creators when the reality is most jobs are created by small and medium size businesses.
In the mid-term elections of 2010 Republicans promised to concentrate on job creation. Instead they chose to deal with divisive social issues like abortion and gay marriage. Other than further tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations Republicans have not come up with any ideas to spur job growth. They have rejected any and all jobs bills presented by the Democrats. Republicans like to talk about the very rich as being job creators when the reality is most jobs are created by small and medium size businesses.
refuse to talk about how the job market has changed and how many jobs have been
shipped overseas. Their concentration is about shifting more and more wealth to
the very rich. Middle class America and the poor of little interest to them
other than they need the middle class vote. The disparity between the very
wealthy and the rest of the population is something they could care less about.
Republican Party is devoid of big ideas that would bring prosperity to the
masses. Meanwhile the US infrastructure is rotting away. Bridges are collapsing
in the US while other countries like China and parts of Europe and other parts
of the world are building for the future. These efforts will give them a competitive
advantage in the years to come.
is a effort on the part of the right in the US to return to the Gilded Age when
wealth was concentrated with the few while the rest managed to eke out an
existence. Most of the job growth in the US in the past few years has been in
the low paying service industry. Republicans refuse to even consider increasing
the minimum wage. Sometimes this is the only work highly indebted college
graduates can find.
is way out of this malaise but Republicans refuse to consider it. The answer is
a giant works program rebuilding the US infrastructure using government funds
and utilizing the private sector. Now is the time to do it. Any fool knows that
interest rates will never be lower than they are today. This would employ
millions of Americans and increase the tax base along with domestic spending.
It’s a no brainer as eventually rebuilding America’s infrastructure is going to
have to happen but it will cost a lot more then than now.
has become a divisive curse in the US in politics. Religion is a non-issue with
Democrats but it is a focal point of right wingers. It is like I believe in god
more than you. For some unfathomable reason a number of right wing Christians
believe that their god has chosen them in particular over the hungry and
desperate in the world. It really is rather childish. These people are easily
led to believe all kinds of nonsense. They are often blinded by their
extremism. What would they do if they found out that Reagan, McCain, and many others of their leaders
were or are not actually very religious? As it is an open Atheist can’t get
elected in the Senate or the House.
like to portray themselves as the true patriots in the US. Kind of odd really
because when it comes to denying vets benefits Republicans are quite adept at
it. The last Republican to run for the presidency, Mitt Romney has a whole
family history, including his strapping four boys, of never spending a night in
a barracks let alone enlisting.
it comes to defending America or fighting in wars Republicans have a long
history of letting someone else take the risk of getting their ass shot off.
Bush Jr.- ROTC record disappeared. Never set foot in Viet Nam.
Romney-Spent part of the Viet Nam War in France trying to convert Catholics to
Mormonism. Never served.
Trump- Never served in the military.
Boehner-Got a medical discharge because of a bad back. Hard to play golf as
much as he does with a bad back.
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Bad back? |
McConnell- Medical discharge from the services.
Nugent-Shit his pants to get out of the draft.
Reagan-Made military movies Stateside in WW2.
Gingrich-Sat out Viet Nam.
a bunch!
is September 29th, 2013. The Tea Party has taken over the Republican
Party. The Republican Party is attempting to blackmail the Democrat Party by
trying to defund the Affordable Care Act. The last election was won by President
Obama. Those that elected him and those that voted against him know that
Obamacare is and was the law of the land. The law was sanctioned by the Supreme
Court which is tilted Republican. Republicans have tried 43 times to kill
Obamacare. There are 3 sections of government, the Senate, the House, and the
president. The Senate and the president refuse to kill Obamacare. The Tea Party
is only a fraction of the Republican controlled house yet they feel that they
should get their way or else they are going to shut the government down. A
shutdown will severely affect pensioners, military personnel, and poor people.
The Tea Party doesn’t care.
up is the stopping of the raising of the debt ceiling, something that
Republicans and Democrats alike passed routinely under Republican presidents
like Nixon, Reagan and both Bushes. The fact that Republicans voted for all of
the unfunded Bush Jr. bills doesn’t seem faze them.
top 1% of the richest people in the US own 35% of the nation’s wealth. The next
19% own 50% of the nation’s wealth leaving 15% to the other 80% of the population.
Over 45 million Americans are considered to be poor. More and more middle class
Americans are joining the ranks of the poor. Republicans choose to favour more
wealth for the rich instead of the good of all. This is all very similar to The
Gilded Age of the 1890s in America when the very rich controlled everything.
claim to want a smaller government with as little intrusion into people’s lives
as possible but intrude nonetheless in almost every way possible using the
government. Most of them want religion to be connected to government and only
if those beliefs are Christian. They interfere in any way they can with women’s
healthcare choices including birth control. They have even stooped to vaginal
probes in some areas if a woman wants an abortion.
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Romney and pals from Bain Capital. |
of moving forward and solving problems Republicans choose to make life more and
more difficult for 80% of the US population. As it is if they have a laundry
list of things that will cause pain and their excuse for all of this is because
the country is living beyond its means. As if the other 80% received benefits
from the Bush wars or the tax giveaways to the wealthy.
are just some of the things they would like to do…..
kill Obamacare without any other plan to provide healthcare to 44 million
Americans who have no coverage.
any financial reform whatsoever on Wall Street which means only a question of
when another meltdown will occur.
to raise the minimum wage. 10 years ago a Big Mac Meal cost about $2.50 and now
it is about $8.50. Nowhere in that cost increase has there been any room to
increase the minimum wage. Why?
to close any of the corporate tax loopholes and continue with subsidies to
major corporations like those in the oil industry. In the past several years
the oil industry has seen more profit than any other industry in the history of
mankind, yet they are still subsidized. Why?
funding that goes to education. A higher education is becoming less and less affordable
for most Americans. Total student loan debt amounts to over 1 trillion dollars
in the US. Republicans would like to kill any government loans to students and
turn the whole lending business over to the private sector where they could
charge whatever interest rates they would like to causing further debt.
defense spending although it currently accounts for 1 out of every 5 dollars in
the US federal budget. This includes a number of things built by the military
industrial complex that the armed forces have not requested. It also includes
money paid to outside military contractors with little oversight at enormous
outlawing abortion taking the right away from women to make their own
healthcare decisions with a total disregard to situations like rape, incest, or
the health of the mother.
consumer protection so that businesses can market harmful products at their own
discretion with impunity.
environmental protection. Republicans mostly believe that corporations have no responsibility
in protecting the environment. All over the US there are toxic remains from
mines that have been left abandoned for somebody else to clean up. Many rivers
have also been poisoned.
marriage. Although there is zero proof that gay marriage is a threat to
anything, most Republicans, particularly right wing Christians, are against it.
-Privatizing both SS and Medicare. Both of these entitlement programs have had enormous benefits to older Americans for over 40 years. Instead of trying to improve these programs Republicans want to kill them putting millions of older Americans in jeopardy in their retirement years. They want to give them a voucher instead and forget that the American people have paid into these programs all their working lives.
-Privatizing both SS and Medicare. Both of these entitlement programs have had enormous benefits to older Americans for over 40 years. Instead of trying to improve these programs Republicans want to kill them putting millions of older Americans in jeopardy in their retirement years. They want to give them a voucher instead and forget that the American people have paid into these programs all their working lives.
There are something like 20 million illegals in the US, mostly from Mexico.
Instead of cracking down on American businesses that pay these people under the
table, Republicans prefer that these people not be taxpayers, which is huge
loss in tax revenue. Because they can’t buy healthcare insurance many illegals
end up in the emergency room at hospitals which the taxpayer ends up paying
for. The bigger reason for the hatred of immigrants is that they would overwhelmingly
vote Democrat if they were given citizenship.
Religion has always been the most divisive thing between people. Nothing is
easier than stoking the fires about people’s different religious beliefs or having
no religious beliefs. It permeates American politics but only comes from one
side, the right. Republicans continually try to force their religious beliefs
down everyone else’s throats. Making a conscious decision to believe in another
faith or none at all is not acceptable to them.
The US is the richest country on the planet. There was a time when it led the world in manufacturing. A good number of those jobs have been shipped overseas in the past 30 years. They were good paying jobs that working Americans could manage to buy a house with, save for their retirement, and send their kids off to college. Those days are gone for many.
The US is the richest country on the planet. There was a time when it led the world in manufacturing. A good number of those jobs have been shipped overseas in the past 30 years. They were good paying jobs that working Americans could manage to buy a house with, save for their retirement, and send their kids off to college. Those days are gone for many.
jobs being created today in the US are mostly low paying service sector ones.
There are no bold new national projects. There is no cooperation by Republicans
to seek new solutions. Instead there is a doubling down on what has not worked
in the past.
rich get richer and the exploiting of the majority to a point where it is
difficult for the middle class to thrive has become the norm.
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