Cooper |
Shelby |
Rain or shine and even during the brief times snow falls
where we live, whether I am in the mood or not, my golden retriever Shelby and
I make our daily trek through the forest which is literally just moments from
our house. Shelby is now almost a one year old. I have been doing a variation
of this walk for over 5 years now. Of course there are many other places that
we take our dog but the forest walk happens every day unless we are away. It
all started with our other golden, Cooper who passed away last year. Some of
the time Linda joins us and I become 2rd in the pecking order.
Why both of our Golden’s names are the same as cars is
purely accidental.
Shelby gets fed once a day in the morning and has a snack
in the evening, usually some dog biscuits. As soon as he is fed we are out the
door. When I put his leash on he almost always puts part of it in his mouth as
if to say that he is capable of walking himself. He isn’t.
I decide which way I want to go. My choice is cutting
into the woods right away and taking that path or walking down the road about
100 yards and cutting into the forest at another trail. At this time of year
the foliage is quite dense. The trail is easily identifiable but one has to be careful
not to trip on protruding roots.
Into the woods. |
I’ve never seen a bear or a cougar in the woods but I
have seen some other wildlife including deer and rabbits, red headed
woodpeckers, and even a Bard owl a few times. Like a lot of other dogs, ours
have had a penchant for eating rabbit poop. It isn’t encouraged and you would
think the dog would be satisfied after eating his one big meal of the day. We
jokingly call the search for rabbit poop “the Buffet”. Dogs aren’t always
There are some similarities between our old dog and our
new dog. Both are and were handsome gents. What some might call chick magnets.
Little good this does me as I haven’t been in the market for years. Cooper used
to race through the woods and sometimes clip our legs. Shelby seems to be more
careful about that. He always has a strange desire to leap. He often leaps
right over ditches and unfortunately fences. I will confess to having a man
crush on both of the dogs I have owned.
There are some landmarks on our daily walk. The first
trail entrance is not that noticeable and the foliage is quite thick. This is
OK but on rainy days I can get a bit wet from the leaves rubbing up against me.
The 2nd landmark is the big tree. The only notable thing about this
is that it is bigger than the other trees. We next find ourselves in a
straightaway which dips into a small creek. In the summer the creek dries up
and I try to stop Shelby from going in there as he ends up with black paws.
Big tree. |
Speed it up back there! I have places to go. |
Forest canopy. |
Next we cut off to another trail that runs alongside a
gulley. A shed can be seen on the other side at the edge of someone’s property.
There is also a tall BC fir tree by the gulley. I don’t know all the names of
the trees but some are alder I think. Above the trail in most places there is a
canopy. On sunny days you can see the dabbles of sunlight that penetrate to the
forest below, kind of pretty really.
Sunlight dabbles. |
Straightaway. |
Shed by gulley.
We come out onto a road with some very nice houses and
turn the corner and we pass an estate that has an orchard. I always leash
Shelby up before we get to the estate as there are cars in the area. The estate
is boundaried by a wire fence about 6 feet high. At this time of year the
blackberries are just starting to ripen. Both Cooper and Shelby have had a
taste for blackberries. Cooper became pretty good at helping himself.
Water would be nice about now. |
Path by blackberries. |
Blackberries. |
A year or two ago they built a paved trail that runs parallel
to the forest on one side and a railway track on the other side. For a few
years we used to see a passenger tourist train that ran up and down Vancouver
Island once a day. It seems to have ceased operation. Unlike the forest trail
where I very seldom see anyone else the paved trail sometimes has joggers,
bicyclists, and older folks out for their “constitutional” stroll. I always
have to have a good look off in the distance to see if anyone is coming as both
Shelby and Cooper are and were type “A” dogs who like to greet people by
jumping up on them. It isn’t an easy habit to break and I don’t want to be
involved in a lawsuit because they have knocked over some old gomer. Bicyclists
are harder to spot as they can kind of sneak up on you. As soon as I spot someone
the leash goes on until they have passed us.
You do remember me saying something about water don't you? |
Paved path.
Grapevines in someone's back yard. |
Railway track. |
Bridge |
Dried up creek. |
Wet and dirty. |
Headed home. |
The paved path also has a bridge and a few creeks, two of
which run under the path through culverts. In the summer wild daisies and other
flowers grow alongside the trail. There are also several nice looking houses
just off of the path. One house has a couple of really old dogs that have kind
of hoarse barks. I haven’t seen them lately. Maybe because it is too hot or
perhaps they finally bit the dust.
We are coming up to the final stretch. We cut off the paved
path and head back into the woods. In another 10 minutes we are home. The whole
hike usually takes about 45 minutes. In the winter some of the forest trail can
get a little mushy but there are ways to avoid those areas.
As you have probably guessed, I just love the Golden Retriever
breed of dog. Their exuberance is infectious. There disposition is as good as
it gets. When Cooper died last summer I knew that I wanted another dog and only
a Golden. I also understand that others have their own preferences in dogs. Every
now and then we take Shelby out on a play date with a husky mix named Sable up
to a great off-leash park near Parksville called Top Bridge that ends up at the
Englishman River. Man can that husky motor.
Linda, Shelby, and Sable at Top Bridge. |
Sable and Shelby in Englishman River. |
Dog day afternoon? |
This coming weekend my daughter Leah is coming over for a
visit and on Monday we will be heading out to Long Beach and Pacific Rim
National Park. It is here that Cooper would disappear off in the distance
chasing seagulls that were high above him. We will toss Cooper’s ashes to the
wind and bring something along to toast him with.
I didn’t grow up with a dog but I am certainly a dog
person now!
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