It has now
been 9 months since the first debates were held in the US to decide who are
going to be the nominees of the Republican and Democratic parties to run for
the office of president of the United States.
Democratic race has now been narrowed to two contestants from the original five
then three and the Republican race has been narrowed to three contestants from
The front
runners, Donald Trump in the Republican Party and Hillary Clinton in the
Democratic Party, both have unfavourable numbers when it comes to national
popularity. 75% of American women voters in the US don’t like Trump and over
50% of American voters don’t trust Clinton.
A large part
of both the Liberal and Conservative base in the US has little faith that the
federal government can accomplish anything significant that would benefit the
middle class or the poor. The US Congress has an approval level rating of about
11%. Congress is where new laws of the land are approved or disapproved.
9 months ago
most political pundits predicted that the race for president would be between
Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. They picked Hillary because it seemed that she
was going to have very little competition from within her own party and after
all these years it looked like her turn. Jeb had gathered together brother
George’s inner circle and managed to raze over a 150 million dollars for his
A lot has
happened in the past 9 months including the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie
Sanders. It is interesting how things have unfolded for both parties.
To get a clearer picture lets go back to August of 2015.
The Republicans
18 people are
a lot of folks running for the presidential nomination of a political party.
Some political pundits described it as “the clown car” making its appearance at
a circus where one clown after another climbs out of a small car. Clearly some
of the hopefuls didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming the
Republican nominee but they had no hesitation about wasting their donor’s money
or voter’s time.
The field was
so crowded that they had a “kiddie’s table” where the least popular debated
among themselves before the main TV debates. A few times someone from the
kiddie’s table made it to the main debate and another contender was then
Here is list
of those that fell by the wayside long the way in the past 9 months.
By the end of
2015, 5 candidates were history including former New York Governor George
Pataki, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal,
former Texas Governor Rick Perry, and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. All were
polling less than 2%. Some thought that Perry ran just to prove that he wasn’t
as dumb as he appeared when he ran in 2012.
By the end of
February 2016, 7 more candidates had bitten the dust including former Arkansas
Governor Mike Huckabee, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, Kentucky
Senator Rand Paul, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, Carly Fiorina, New Jersey
Governor Chis Christie, Virginia Governor Jim Gilmour, and former Florida
Governor Jeb Bush.
Out of the 7
Jeb Bush was the most notable. Trump totally destroyed him with his “low
energy” comments and Bush never recovered. Christie had become unpopular in his
home state and his pettiness was quite obvious when he blocked traffic on the
busiest bridge in the world to pay back a mayor who didn’t back him in a
previous election. Fiorina had been fired as CEO of Hewlett Packard and had
lost in her run for the office of California senator. She also outsourced
thousands of jobs overseas while CEO of Hewlett Packard.
March of this
year saw the Republican field see 2 more candidates disappear. The first was Dr.
Ben Carson who seemed half asleep when he talked and never made a lot of sense.
Marco Rubio was the Republican Party’s establishment’s last hope. Before Chris
Christie left the race he totally destroyed Rubio’s credibility by pointing out
that Rubio always used a rehearsed script. Rubio’s response was to repeat that
script. Having only won the State of Minnesota Rubio decided to go after Trump
directly. He got pretty deep in the mud when he inferred that Trump had a small
penis. And then he lost his home state of Florida.
As of the
beginning of April there are 3 Republican candidates left with Trump having a
big lead in states won. His competition is now Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio
Governor John Kasich. Other than the Trump voters there is a concerted effort
by most of the Republican Party to stop Trump from becoming the Republican
nominee. Their general plan is that if Trump doesn’t have enough votes to
automatically become the nominee there will be a vote at the Republican
convention this coming summer in Cleveland and they plan to have Kasich, Cruz,
or somebody like Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, or Mitt Romney get the
John Kasich
is the governor of Ohio. He has spent most of his working life representing his
state in political office including being a senator. He took an 8 year break to
work for FOX news and also worked for Lehman Brothers until they went bankrupt
in 2009. He threw his hat in the ring
last year in the Republican race and at one point his polling was so low
that he was restricted to the “kiddie’s table” at the debates.
Somehow he
has managed to survive although he didn’t win any state primaries until his own
state, Ohio, was contested. For decades no Republican hopeful has become
president of the US without winning Ohio.
Unlike his
counterparts running for president, Kasich tries to display a low key common
sense approach to politics. He hasn’t gotten into the mud with Trump, Cruz, or
Rubio. What also makes him a bit different is that he has a positive attitude
towards America’s future.
Kasich believes that the private sector is the answer to almost everything.
When he came into office, his state had a huge amount of debt. He eliminated
the debt by shifting some costs away from the state to the cities and towns. He
also sold off state run prisons to the private sector. Like most Republicans he
is anti-union. In his first term in office he saw increased revenues from the
oil industry that had expanded into fracking in his Ohio.
Unlike a
number of other Republican governors, particularly southern ones, Kasich has
not blocked Obamacare and his state has seen the expansion of Medicare.
The chances
of Kasich becoming the Republican nominee are very limited. He is hoping for a
brokered convention this summer based upon Trump not having enough delegates to
be proclaimed the winner. Polls have shown that Kasich would have the best
chance at beating Hillary Clinton.
Cruz is one
of Texas’s two senators. His base comes mostly from the evangelical community
in the US of which there are about 75 million people. Cruz was born in Calgary,
Alberta. His father, who is a preacher, was born in Cuba and his mother was
born in the US. For decades it was pretty easy for Cubans to obtain American
citizenship simply because Cuba is a Communist country. It is interesting to
note that Cruz Sr. didn’t become a naturalized American citizen until 2005, 48
years after leaving Cuba.
Cruz believes
in “Dominionism” where there is no separation of church and state even though
it is written into the US Constitution that there should be a separation. Cruz
claims that the Christian faith is under assault in the US even though there is
no evidence of that being so. He has
threatened to carpet bomb countries where ISIS has fighters. “I’ll make the
sands glow” he has been quoted as saying disregarding that carpet bombing would
kill many civilians. Islam prohibits the consumption of pork and Cruz has
posted a video of himself firing off a machine gun with bacon wrapped around
the muzzle. These tactics will no doubt encourage some of the Islamic faith to
join ISIS.
Cruz was
elected as a Tea Partier. To him the federal government is a threat to decent
Americans. A few years ago he managed to shut the government down which cost
the US billions of dollars. He is easily the most unpopular senator in office
today and that includes his own party. A while ago Republican South Carolina
Senator Lindsay Graham described Cruz this way…..”If you killed Ted Cruz on the
floor of the senate, and the trial was in the senate, nobody would convict
platform in running for the nomination includes repealing Obamacare on the 1st
day he is in office, abolishing Planned Parenthood, wants to downsize the
federal government, doesn’t want to increase the minimum wage, and is against
same-sex marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana, net neutrality, and
immigration reform. He’d like to get rid of the Internal Revenue Service. He is
opposed to the scientific consensus on climate change and The Water Resources
Development Act. He also believes in the death penalty.
He is for The
Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement that would give international
corporations power over individual country’s governments. He believes in
lowering taxes on the wealthy and corporations.
So far Cruz
has won 9 states but lags far behind Donald Trump. He would dearly like to get
Kasich out of the race so he can go one on one with Trump but Kasich isn’t
going to bow out. The Republican establishment hates Trump but they don’t care
for Cruz either.
Trump has
said and done so many provocative things in the past 9 months that it is almost
impossible to keep track of them all. Just when it seems he couldn’t be more
obnoxious he ups the ante.
There are a
number of Americans who are dazzled by wealth and fame and feel that those that
have lots of money must be a lot brighter than those that don’t have lots of
money. It is a pretty shallow way of looking at things but Trump has convinced
a number of people that he is going to improve their lives even though history
has shown that Trump has little interest in anyone other than himself and his
family. He isn’t the sharing type.
His followers
mostly seem to be blue collar workers, some who are very afraid that they could
turn up for work one day and find that their jobs no longer exist. If that is their
inevitable fate why not blow everything up some of them think. They feel that
other politicians has betrayed them in the past. If they could get Trump
elected at least they could see some other asses get kicked other than their
Trump has
been in the public eye for most of his adult life but up until about 10 years
ago it was mostly in the New York City area. His TV programs, The Apprentice
and later The Celebrity Apprentice, gave him national exposure. It was quite
clear to any discerning viewer that Trump was and is a narcissist with a very
inflated ego. Pretty well all the celebrities on his show were has-beens but
many TV watchers were curious to see them up close, to find out what they were
really like.
It turned out
that most of the so called celebrities were pretty petty people. Some were on
the deranged side including Gary Busey, Dennis Rodman, Daryl Strawberry, and
Stephen Baldwin. None of the contestants were allowed to address Trump by his
first name and their fates were decided by Trump often with his daughter and
oldest son on either side of him in the boardroom like they were the prince and
princess on either side of the king. The whole performance made it seem that
the contestants were peons compared to the Trumps.
Even the most
popular of TV shows have a shelf life. The Celebrity Apprentice wasn’t going to
run for another 5 or 10 years and watching people with faded fame hawking hot
dogs for 50 bucks apiece near Times Square could make viewers start to yawn.
Trump and the Media
It was 2015
and Trump was about to turn 69 years of age. He had teased the media about
running for president before but had backed off. This time he signed the needed
papers and became a candidate. The question is why? Probably because it was his
last chance at his age. Other than having his name on tall buildings almost all
of his branding ventures had failed. TV viewers were tiring of his show. He
also had his kids to look after his business enterprises. His skirt chasing
days were over but not his desperate need for attention. Win or lose he was
going to make all of America remember his name and who he was for years to
Trump may be
an idiot but he isn’t a total idiot. More than any of his political competitors
he knew how to manipulate the media, particularly the TV news sector. He also
understood who his market was and he enjoyed throwing bombs that would excite
them. Every political show on the tube wanted Trump as a guest. It made for
great ratings. He didn’t even have to turn up at the TV studio. Often he would just make a phone call from
Trump Tower in NYC to FOX News or Morning Joe on MSNBC even though he was just
blocks away.
Trump knows
that it the sizzle that sells the steak. He couldn’t just kick off his campaign
by saying he was just another contender who wanted to fix the ills in America.
He needed to throw out some red meat and did just that by stating his views on
illegal immigrants. He referred to Mexican immigrants as rapists and promised
to build a huge wall on the Mexican/American border.
outlandish gets attention and Trump came up with one thing after another to
keep that attention. He shocked a lot of people when he stated that ex Viet Nam
POW John McCain who was imprisoned for 5-1/2 years, wasn’t a war hero. “I like
people who weren’t captured.” Trump said. Getting into verbal fights with a
wide variety of people gave him the spotlight for months and months.
Trump was
well aware of his power over the media and would often blame them, including
right wing FOX News, if he felt he was being unfairly treated. His sense of
fairness was quite different than most other people. At speeches he made to
large crowds he would often tell the TV networks to turn their cameras on the
crowds so those at home could see how many people he had drawn to a venue. He
became fixated on polls and never missed a chance to tell people how popular he
were always penned off from the crowds. Sometimes they weren’t even allowed to
go to the washroom. One reporter took a few steps out of the pen and had his
head slammed into a table by one of the security people protecting Trump.
Trump and Obama
Not long
after Obama was elected in 2008, Trump started questioning Obama’s birth
certificate. It was a dog whistle for racists in the US, a questioning of the
legitimacy of the country’s first black president. The fact that there were
birth announcements in 2 different Hawaii newspapers wasn’t going to dissuade
Trump. Eventually Obama’s long form birth certificate was revealed. This still
didn’t satisfy Trump and he made the claim that he had investigators on the
ground in Hawaii and that “they had found out things that you wouldn’t
believe”. You can bet that if his people had discovered things about Obama it
would have made front page news. The birther stuff was probably the first big
indication that Trump was quite willing to create lies almost at will.
It is quite
possible that one of Trump’s biggest motivations to run for president was
because of his being humiliated by Obama at a White House correspondent’s
dinner in 2011. Trump was seething that night.
Trump on Making America Great Again
He has also
talked about “making America great again”. At one point Trump was asked at what
time was America greater than it is now and he replied that he thought it was
in the 1950s. He couldn’t say the 1960s because for most of that decade there
was a Democrat president. During the 1950s The Cold War with the USSR was going
on. Kids were taught how to hide under their desks in the event of a nuclear
attack. Racism and Jim Crow laws were very evident in the US South. There was
no such thing as Medicare. Maybe Trump was referring to a time when unions were
strong and working class people could afford to buy a home?
Trump and Women
Trump has
always been sexist when it comes to women. To him, their biggest asset is often
their appearance. He has now had 3 trophy wives. When he was married to his
first wife, Ivana, he publicly claimed that she did everything he told her to
do. What the US media stays completely away from is the fact that Ivana, when
her and Trump were going through their divorce, once claimed in a deposition
that Trump had raped her. She later recanted. The story goes that Trump had
visited a plastic surgeon that Ivana was familiar with and was unhappy with the
results of a hair transplant. In a rage he attacked and raped Ivana and tore
out some of her hair. According to her they hadn’t had sex in 16 months at the
time. If this story wasn’t true you can bet Trump would have sued the writer’s
ass off. He didn’t.
20 years ago
Trump and his 2nd wife Marla Maples had a baby girl. Robin Leach
(remember him) asked Trump who the baby looked like and Trump said that the
baby had Marla’s legs but it was too early to know how big her breasts were
going to be. What a pig!
Most people
didn’t care very much when Trump had a battle with talk show host Rosie
O’Donnell years ago when he called her “a fat pig”. Rosie was brash in her own
right and not someone a lot of people felt sympathy for.
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With wife #3 Melania. |
deciding to run for office Trump has added a litany of disparaging things about
-“If Hillary can’t satisfy her husband, how is
she going to satisfy America?”
Huffington is unattractive and I fully understand why her husband left her for
a man.”
-“You could
see blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her….whatever”. on FOX TV
host Megyn Kelly.
Recently when
Trump was talking about abortion he suggested that women who do have an
abortion should be punished in some way. The next day he pulled back on his
Trump on Immigration and the Wall
It is
estimated that there are 11 million illegal immigrants in the US. Trump wants
to deport all of them. His followers agree. What they don’t seem to understand
is that many of these people are paid under the table and no taxes are deducted
from their pay which is often in cash. Almost no businesses get fined for
paying people under the table. Being anti-government and anti-taxation is
mostly a Republican thing. Every person born in the US is issued a Social
Security number at one year of age. E-verify would stop illegal immigrants from
stealing other people’s SS numbers but a Republican congress would never pass a
bill that included E-verify.
The whole
agriculture industry would collapse tomorrow without foreign born illegal
Building a
wall between Mexico and the US is nothing more than a joke. People would just
dig under it for starters. Trump says a wall works in Israel. He doesn’t
mention that Arabs slipping into Israel through a tunnel have nowhere to go
because Israel is a small country and strangers just can’t melt into
communities. Millions of vehicles pass between Mexico and the US each year. All
of those vehicles can’t be inspected thoroughly. This is how many illegals and
drugs get across the US border never mind those that come on “vacation” and
never return home.
Trump himself
has employed illegal immigrants including a number from Poland that worked on
construction on one of his towers. They actually slept at night on the job
site. He has also employed a number of Hispanic illegals at his Mara Lago
estate in Florida.
Trump on Bringing Jobs Back to the US
Republican Party makes no bones about their support for major corporations and
the very wealthy. Every financial plan they present, including Trump’s,
includes more tax cuts for the rich. Being rich often comes from having
products made for cheaper wages in foreign countries. Does Apple ring a bell? Almost
all Republicans supported NAFTA which cost America millions of jobs, many of
which paid quite well. They also support the new Transpacific Trade Agreement
which would see the loss of more jobs.
Trump has
zero chance of swaying American businessmen to bring back jobs to the US. It is
pretty simple really. There is nothing in it for them and they won’t accept
lower profits.
He also never
mentions where his clothing line is made. Here’s a hint. It isn’t in the US.
Trump on Being A Business Genius
Trump claims
to be worth over 10 billion dollars. Forbes Magazine says his personal wealth
may be around 2-4 billion.
He has filed
for bankruptcy 4 times, all involving casinos he has owned in Atlantic City.
Owning a casino is an unsavory way of making a living. Basically it suckers
people by taking their hard earned money and giving them nothing in return.
Trump would
be broke today if he didn’t use lawyers to leverage deals with those he owed
money to. Lawyers can tie things up in the court system for a long time.
Trump’s deal has been to give his creditors back a small % of what he owes
them. Their choice has been to get back a little bit or nothing at all.
Casinos are
like a license to print money. Somehow Trump managed to mess that up. Casinos
weren’t his only failures in business. Other failures include Trump Airlines,
Trump Vodka, Trump Magazine, Trump Steaks, Trump Mortgage,, Trump
The Game, and Trump University. There are currently 3 lawsuits against Trump
and Trump University.
It would
probably surprise a lot of Trump’s followers that a lot of the buildings he has
his name on aren’t owned by him. It is just a branding thing that he gets a
royalty from and in some cases he hasn’t received any money.
There are
some that have said that Trump would have as much money as he has today if he
had just put his inheritance into a trust fund.
Trump’s Political Beliefs
He obviously
doesn’t know much about foreign affairs. He claims to have been against the war
in Iraq but he was for it when the war started. The other day he said it might
be a good idea if Japan and South Korea had nuclear arms when most world
leaders want to reduce those arms. He claims to admire Vladimir Putin and has
quoted Mussolini, the former dictator of Italy. He thinks the US should
withdraw from the UN.
At 60 years
of age he was a registered Democrat. He used to be pro-choice on abortion. He
is not above waving a bible around if he feels it will help him politically
although he rarely goes to church. He said he was unaware who the Ku Klux Klan
are and what they stand for. (His father Fred was once arrested at a Klan rally
in the early 1920s.)
He would kill
Obamacare if elected but doesn’t have a plan to replace it. He says he would
like to see more competition from the insurance companies. Maybe he doesn’t
know that cartels don’t like competition.
He says he
wants to rebuild the US armed forces to a point that “nobody would mess with
us”. The US currently spends 4 times more than China on the military and 12
times more than Russia. With all the money the US has spent on defense over the
years since WW2 they still have managed to lose wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Trump the Leader of the Free World?
Aside with
being all over the map with his views he doesn’t display any tact. Most
politicians keep foul language away from the public. His name calling and
picking away at opponents by calling them ugly or liars and more is far beneath
someone who would be the US president. His constant bragging clearly indicates
his desperate need for attention and his insecurity about himself.
Luckily for
America he has zero chance of being elected president. More than half of his
own party dislikes him as do most women, most Blacks, most Hispanics, most
young people, almost all Muslim Americans, and pretty well all Democrats. He
has no crossover appeal in a general election.
The Democrats
As things
stand right now Hillary Clinton will most likely be the next president of The
United States. There is no way Bernie Sanders can catch her. She sewed up the
southern states early which gave her an insurmountable lead even though most of
those states will never vote for a Democrat in a general election. The only
thing that could get in Hillary’s way is the possibility that she gets indicted
for using her private e-mail to conduct government business while she was
Secretary of State.
It is highly
unlikely that most Americans would have ever heard of Hillary if she wasn’t
married to Bill. She has ridden his coattails since the time he was governor of
The Clintons
are a packaged deal. Both have been surrogates for each other when either ran
for office. They never disagree with one another politically in public.
stepfather was an abusive alcoholic but somehow he managed to excel at school. Like
Hillary he joined in on a lot of school activities. Both of them became
involved with politics while still teenagers. Bill was a fraternity brother in
college and Hillary was a sorority sister. They knew very early the value of
having important contacts with influence. Bill was also a Rhodes Scholar. Both
Clintons went on to get their law degrees. They both graduated from Yale in
In a lot of
ways both Clintons have lived their lives after their teen years cocooned away
from the way most other people live. They never really lived the hippie
lifestyle that was quite common when they were students. After graduating from
law school Bill married Hillary and he taught law in Arkansas until his first
run for office a few years later. He would become the youngest governor in the
US at the age of 32, a position he held 10 years.
He was 41
years of age when he decided to run for the office of president of the US. One
of the first times he received national attention was an appearance on the
Arsenio Hall TV talk show. He walked out onto the stage wearing sunglasses and
started blowing away on his saxophone. A lot of younger Americans in particular
were impressed by this politician who seemed to have a side to him that was
just plain cool.
conversations with political pundits he came across as “a good ole boy”. It
wasn’t the first or last time that a lot of Americans have been sucked in by
southern charm. Elvis had it and years later so did presidential hopeful John
Edwards. Edwards’s presidential aspirations went in the tank when it was
discovered he was having an affair with a women who gave birth to his child. His
wife was undergoing cancer treatment at the time and died a few years later.The
media ate up a lot of what he was selling too. (So did I.)
At the time
there were rumours of Bill cheating on his wife while governor of Arkansas but
it was still an era to some extent where reporters didn’t pry too much into
politician’s private lives. Bill and
Hillary went on the TV program 60 Minutes in January of 1992 to rebuff the
charges that he was an adulterer. He pussyfooted around the subject and didn’t
admit to having a 12 year affair with Genifer Flowers in Arkansas. He suggested
that some women had been offered money to tell their stories about their
involvement with him which in turn according to him made their stories highly
doubtful. Hillary said she wasn’t a “Stand By Your Man” type as in the lyrics
to country singer Tammy Wynette’s song. In fact she was just like the song. The
60 Minutes interview was just the first episode of many to come where both
Clintons could be very “fuzzy” with the truth.
When asked
whether or not he had ever smoked pot he said he had tried it a few times while
at school in England, didn’t like it, and never inhaled. Not many people
believed him. He knew that there was a possibility that someone had seen him
with a joint back then so he figured out a way to say he was never stoned.
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Genifer Flowers |
1st Term as President
In 1993 he
became the 42nd president.
He easily won
the White House but the race would have been a lot closer if the right winger
Ross Perot hadn’t run as a third party candidate.
Bill Clinton
was never a “Progressive Liberal” although he did believe in reform on some
social issues. In his first 2 years in office he introduced and made into law
bills like The Family and Medical Leave Act that mostly applied to large
businesses. He reversed some of the restrictions that Reagan and Bush Sr. had
placed on Family Planning. He cut taxes on low-income families and small
businesses and raised taxes on the wealthy by 1.2%. He signed The Brady Bill
into law which created a 5 day waiting period on the purchase of handguns.
Towards the
end of his first year he was up to his eyeballs in two scandals that the
Republicans were eager to expose. One was a shady real estate deal called
Whitewater that he and Hillary had invested in in Arkansas. Some close friends of theirs went to jail because of Whitewater. There was also something
called “Troopergate” where 2 Arkansas state troopers claimed they had arranged
sexual encounters for Bill. Somehow Bill managed to skate by both issues.
implemented a Department of Defense directive called “Don’t ask, don’t tell”
whereas gays could be in the military as long as they never openly stated their
sexual preferences. They could die for their country but nobody was supposed to
know what their sexual preference was.
In January of
1994 Bill Clinton signed The North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) into law.
Several years later this law would prove to be a disaster with millions of
manufacturing jobs being shipped overseas from the US.
In 1994 he
also introduced the Omnibus Crime Bill. It expanded the death penalty to
include major drug traffickers. At the time violent crime was rampant in many
poorer areas of America’s major cities. To counteract the rise in violent crime
the “3 Strikes Law” was introduced. Initially the law was meant to imprison
felons for more than 20 years who had committed 3 violent crimes. It then
started to include mostly blacks who were convicted 3 times of any drug crime.
The end result was that that the number of blacks being imprisoned increased 3
fold. Many courts didn’t recognize crack cocaine and powder cocaine as the same
drug. White people were more prone to using powder cocaine and often avoided
spending time in prison by going to rehab.
Two years
into his first term Clinton and the Democrats lost their majority in The House
of Representatives. They had controlled the House for 40 years. In order to get
any bills passed Bill was going to have to compromise with the Republicans.
In 1996
Clinton signed into law The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which recognized
marriage as only being between one man and one woman. It is thought by some
that his choice to enact this law was his way of appeasing the Christian far
right Republicans. His administration did hire some openly gay people.
2nd Term as President
Clinton was
re-elected president at the end of 1996 with just a little over 40% of the
national vote. Once again Ross Perot ran as a third party candidate.
In 1996
Hillary claimed that she survived sniper fire while on a visit to Bosnia. It
was a story she just made up and she later apologized for it claiming she was
confused due to lack of sleep.
In 1997
Hillary made an attempt at reforming health care in the US. It was a disaster.
Republicans controlled The Senate and The House and wanted no part of health
care reform. She did manage to get some laws passed like the State Children’s
Health Insurance Program, the Adoption and Safe Families Act, and the Foster
Care Independence Act. No other president’s wife has ever been as politically
active as Hillary was.
He also
negotiated with Republicans the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Part of the act
was removing millions of people, many who were black, from the welfare rolls.
Other social programs were also cut. The end result was that the US saw the
federal government have a balanced budget for the first time in years mostly
due to pressure from the Republicans.
In 1999
Clinton passed into law the Financial Services Modernization Act which repealed
part of the Glass-Steagall Act which had been in effect since 1933. The
Glass-Steagall act prohibited banks from offering a full range of investment,
commercial banking, and insurance services. There is a direct connection
between the Financial Services Modernization Act and the bailout of the major
banks in 2008 along with the deep recession and mass unemployment that
Shortly after
the 1998 election the Republican House decided to impeach Clinton for perjury
and obstruction of justice relating to an affair Bill had had with a 22 year
old intern named Monica Lewinsky. The perjury part of the impeachment related
to a sworn statement Bill had made denying having had an affair with another
woman named Paula Jones when he was governor of Arkansas. Clinton paid Jones $850,000.00 in an out of court
settlement. She claimed Bill propositioned and exposed himself to her.
In 1998 Bill
Clinton went on national TV and said the following …..”I want to say one thing
to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say this
again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never
told anybody to lie, not a single time-never. These allegations are false and I
need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you.”
He was lying
his ass off.
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Paula Jones |
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Monica and Bill |
A Republican
named Kenneth Starr was appointed to lead the hearings on Clinton’s
impeachment. He got pretty deep in the weeds going so far as talking about
semen stains on Monica Lewinsky’s dress. The American public was split on what
to think about Clinton. Women in particular thought he was a bit of a pig
while others thought the Republicans had gone too far in prying into a
politician’s private life. In the end Clinton had his law license suspended for
5 years.
Americans look back at Clinton’s time as president as an era when the US
economy soared and unemployment was low. It was also a time when America wasn’t
engaged in major foreign wars. Some forget that it was also a time of Wall
Street recklessness and the bursting of “the” bubble. Financial
oversight by the federal government was so flimsy that an energy company called
Enron with very limited assets managed to trade on the stock market at 55 times
its real value. These were the wild and wooly days that later led to the major
financial meltdown of 2008.
Clinton claims that when she and Bill left the White House they were totally
broke. They weren’t only broke, they were in debt. “We struggled to piece
together resources for mortgages for houses, for Chelsea’s education”. At this
point Bill had served as governor of Arkansas for 10 years and president of the
US for 8 years. For 18 years they didn’t have pay for a place to live and most
of their expenses were taken care of. Where did all of their money go and why did
Hillary and Bill need 2 houses? The answers are that it cost Bill a ton of
money to pay lawyers and a big stack of money to settle with Paula Jones and they didn’t desperately need two houses but they had
become accustomed to a rich lifestyle. The two houses they bought, one in
Chappaqua, NY and the other in Washington, DC cost them a total of 4.5 million dollars.
Back when
Bill was governor of Arkansas Bill and Hillary were keen to become wealthy.
That’s why they got involved in the Whitewater development. Hillary once made
$100,000.00 on a $1,000.00 investment in a cattle futures investment. You don’t
often see someone making 100 times the money they have invested. Not very often at all.
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Clinton's Washington, DC home |
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Clinton's Chappaqua, NY home |
1st Term as NY Senator
After leaving
the White House Hillary decided to run for the office of one of the senators of
New York State. She had never lived in the state before. Initially it was
thought that she would be running against New York mayor and Republican Rudy
Giuliani but he begged off when it was discovered that he had prostate cancer.
She won the election with 55% of the vote.
becoming senator she immediately formed relationships with senators from both
parties. She also joined a breakfast prayer group of religious senators. She
served on 5 senate committees including the Committee on Budget, the Committee
on Armed Services, The Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee
on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and a Special Committee on Aging. She
was also a member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
There is
little doubt that Hillary has always been an ambitious person. Politically she
thought a lot like her husband. During her husband’s 8 years in office it was
more than obvious that the Republicans didn’t want him to accomplish anything
and would go to any length to dig up dirt on him. It seems that she felt that
she could convince Republicans that although she was a Democrat she also had
conservative ideals.
9 months into
her first term 9/11 occurred. Hillary fought for funding for the rebuilding the
World Trade Towers and benefits for the first responders, firefighters, and
police who had risked their lives on 9/11.
In October of
2001 Hillary voted yes to The Patriot Act which allowed government agencies
like the FBI to investigate anyone they wished to without a court order.
She strongly
supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and believed that it was a chance
to combat terrorism and improve the lives of Afghani women. She ignored the fact
that the empire that was the USSR had crumbled due to their long war with the
Taliban in Afghanistan.
In October of
2002 she voted yes on the invasion of Iraq. She simply got sucked in by Bush
and his VP Dick Cheney. She wasn’t interested in listening to any arguments
against invading Iraq including not talking to a WMD expert who sat in her
outer senate office for days trying to get a chance to talk to her. He never did.
Years later
Hillary said her vote on Iraq was a mistake. It was a mistake that resulted in
over a 100 thousand lost civilian lives, scores of dead and wounded American
soldiers, and billions of dollars in increased US debt. She was well aware at
the time that a US ambassador named Joe Wilson’s wife Valerie Plame, a CIA
agent, had been outed by Bush and Cheney because Wilson had publicly stated that it was unlikely that
“yellow cake” used in making WMDs had been shipped from an African country to Iraq.
wasn’t the only Democrat to vote for the war in Iraq. Joe Biden and John Kerry
also made the same vote but 126 Democrats in the House and 21 Democrats in the
Senate voted against the war.
She still
supported the Iraq war even after no WMDs were found. In 2005 she co-introduced
a bill to increase troops in Iraq.
2nd Term as NY Senator and
Hillary’s 1st Run for President
By 2007
Hillary had changed her tune on Iraq and supported a bill that called for the
withdrawal of US troops from that country. Her decision was a long time coming.
In 2008 she
supported the bailout of the US financial system. Over the ensuing years a
number of banks paid billions in fines for illegal financial activities. She
never insisted that any banking or brokerage firm executives be prosecuted for
criminal activity. Within a year of the financial collapse bonuses were again
being handing out by financial corporations and in some cases it looked like
they were mocking a gullible American public.
Hillary’s 1st Run for
In 2008
Hillary decided to run for the Democratic nomination to be the next president. In
the beginning of her run it looked like a sure thing. By this time the Clintons
had amassed a fortune of about 50 million dollars from Bill’s books and
Initially she
had competition on 2 fronts, from former North Carolina Senator John Edwards
who could give Bill a run for his money when it came to Southern charm, and a
junior senator from Illinois named Barak Obama.
She lost the
first caucus in Iowa finishing behind Obama and Edwards but won New Hampshire.
Bill wasn’t helping her case by occasionally shooting his mouth off though.
dropped out when he was exposed for having an affair. It was now a 2 way race
between who might be the first woman president or the first black president.
Obama won
South Carolina primary by a 2 to 1 margin. Hillary no longer had the black vote that
had helped her husband for many years. Bill was becoming a real pain in the ass
to many Democrats. To some it seemed like he himself was running for office
Hillary’s biggest fault on her resume was that she had voted for the war in
Iraq. Obama hadn’t. In television debates her irritation that she was being
challenged by an upstart junior senator who hadn’t completed his first term was
pretty obvious. After all she had all the contacts within the Democrat Party.
What she didn’t have was Obama’s ground game and his ability to use the
She won the
larger states like New York and California but Obama was winning more other
states. At one point he won 11 straight primaries. In June of 2008 Obama had
won enough state primaries to become the presumptive nominee and Hillary ended
up endorsing him. In the primaries they had both secured almost the same amount
of votes, 17 million. Obama and his team just outfoxed her campaign.
The loss was
a pretty bitter pill for Hillary to swallow. She had spent 13 million dollars
of her own money trying to get the nomination. As bitter as she was she still
campaigned for Obama in his run for president.
Hillary as Secretary of State
In November
of 2008 Obama discussed the possibility of Hillary being his Secretary of
State. At first she was reluctant as she enjoyed being a senator but within a
month she had accepted the job. Why she decided to take the job is open to
conjecture. She might have seen the opportunity as a stepping stone for another
run for president in 2016 if Obama won a 2nd term. Most likely she
thought that she could solve a lot of the world’s problems including improving
women’s rights in third world countries. She was confirmed in the senate by a
vote 92 to 2.
She visited
112 different countries during her tenure as Secretary of State. She talked to
Obama about once a week unlike some previous Secretaries of State who talked to
their president almost on a daily basis and she stood behind any political
decisions Obama made. One of her first decisions was to agree with Obama about
sending more troops (21,000) to Afghanistan.
She gave a
“reset button” to the Russian foreign minister hoping to rebuild a relationship
with Russia. It worked for a while until Vladimir Putin got back into power.
She helped save the Turkish/Armenian Accord. She helped organize diplomatic
sanctions and trade embargos against Iran which was in the early stages of
developing nuclear arms.
She assessed
the Egyptian government of Hosni Mubarak as stable before the Arab Spring
revolt. She supported US military intervention in Libya after long-time
dictator Gaddafi was murdered. She claimed that she offered advice to Obama
when Bin Laden was shot and killed in Pakistan although it doesn’t appear that
Obama needed any advice from her on the matter.
On September
11th of 2012 a US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya was
attacked and 4 US citizens were killed including Ambassador J. Christopher
Stevens. Initially the attack was thought to be a response to a right wing video
produced in the US that depicted the prophet Muhammad as a whoremonger and
The 4
Americans who were killed were far away from any immediate American forces
help. There were a number of uncertainties as to what was transpiring at the
time. Some have called it “the fog of war”.
back home in the US the Republicans pounced on the situation and what they
claimed was Hillary’s lack of correctly responding to the tragedy. They knew then
that Hillary might very well run for president once Obama’s 2nd term
was up. They dearly wanted to destroy her credibility.
Republicans completely ignored the fact that a number of American citizens had
been killed on multiple occasions in foreign countries while Bush Jr. was in
office. Something like 15 different hearings were held by the Republicans on
Benghazi. They never managed to trip Hillary up but to this day they still
claim that she was derelict in her duties. The hearings did add to many
Americans distrusting her. She did admit to some errors that occurred and came
up with a list of improvements should the same situation happen again.
On February 1st,
2013 she went back to private life and John Kerry became the new Secretary of
Out of Government from 2013-2015
The consensus
is that Hillary wanted to rest up for a while and enjoy her new grandchild
before turning her attention to running for the Democratic nominee for
president. She wasn’t getting any younger but she had that last major goal that
she wanted to accomplish.
She joined
her husband and daughter in the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Foundation. She
worked on a number of women oriented projects including early childhood
development, and a 600 million dollar initiative to enroll girls worldwide in
secondary schools. She wrote a book and joined a speakers group and was paid as
much as 200 thousand dollars for speeches that lasted usually about an hour.
There is
little doubt that she has worked on a lot of women’s issues over the years but
on the other hand she had no problem accepting large amounts of money from
major corporations that went straight to her own bank account. She justified
doing this because other politicians were doing the same thing
including her husband. It was never a question of her being underpaid when she
was in political office.
She claims
that she was never influenced by the corporations she gave speeches to. 12 of
her speeches were to big banks, a number of which had been fined for corrupt
activities. Some of the banks have paid over a billion dollars in fines. Nobody
from any of those banks was ever charged with a criminal offense and Hillary
has never suggested that they should have been. Together Hillary and Bill made
153 million dollars giving speeches between 2001 and 2015.
Running for President the Second Time
Shortly after
Hillary decided to run for president she rounded up a number of women
Democratic senators and all but Progressive Democrat Elizabeth Warren endorsed
her. Former Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright,
suggested that any woman who didn’t vote for Hillary should roast in hell.
Feminist Gloria Steinem joined in by rebuking young women who had decided to
back Bernie Sanders.
Older women
probably vote more than any other demographic. Many of them have experienced
what they would consider unfairness in politics and business. Equal pay for
women is certainly one of their issues. What some of them don’t seem to get, particularly
when it comes to younger women, is that women only issues aren’t the only
things they care about. Many younger women who are backing Bernie would have
quite willingly backed progressive Elizabeth Warren but she chose not to run
for president.
Nobody in the
Democrat Party who is a “progressive” considers Hillary to be progressive too
although Hillary claims she is. It took her a long time to come around on gay
marriage and LBGT rights for instance. She tends to encourage only partial
changes when it comes to things like raising the minimum wage or financial
reform on Wall Street.
Democrats think of Hillary as an opportunist and an elitist because she often
pals around with the very wealthy. Progressives don’t spend 50,000 dollars a
week to rent a summer place on Long Island like the Clintons have. Progressives didn’t get invited to
Donald Trump’s last wedding. Many of them simply don’t trust her and her
political style.
Every so
often she exposes herself as someone who thinks she knows more than she does.
She attended Nancy Reagan’s funeral which was an OK thing to do. What wasn’t OK
was her praise of Mrs. Reagan as being one of the first to organize the fight
against the AIDS epidemic when Ronald Reagan’s administration did everything
they could to avoid dealing with the AIDS crisis.
Her platform
for running for president is basically a continuation of Obama’s policies. She
doesn’t seem to understand what universal health care means to most people. To
her it is when 100% of Americans are covered by insurance companies or
Medicare. In all other countries universal health care is considered to be
health coverage for everyone without insurance companies being involved at all.
Republicans and Democrats consider Hillary to be a war hawk based on her record
when she was a senator and Secretary of State.
She talks
about student loan debt like it is a natural thing that students just have to put
up with. It is pretty common for college graduates to be still be paying off
their student loans 20 years after leaving school.
Democrats including the progressives know that Bernie Sanders doesn’t have much
of a chance of overtaking her. She has the Democratic establishment in her back
pocket including Debbie Wasserman Shultz who is the party chair and was once
one of Hillary’s campaign managers.
So why do so
many people dislike her and not trust her aside from the above? One
reason is that she often comes across as fake. At rallies she often points to
one of her admirers and acknowledges that person with a big grin. When she does
this it is like showing the public that she indeed does have friends and is
popular. Sometimes she gets angry and forceful when she talks about inequality
but after her performance a lot of people know she is going home to a mansion
and servants. The “I made a mistake” on major issues just doesn’t cut it for
Hillary and Her Paid Speeches
Democrats suspect that Hillary tells different stories to different groups of
people. She reasons that she is not willing to release the transcripts of her
speeches to Wall Street firms, major corporations, and large institutions,
because other speakers don’t release that type of information. It is pretty
obvious her speeches are not about dry stuff like foreign affairs. Most likely
she gives pep talks on the possibilities of the free enterprise system and the
bright future ahead for America. At as much as $200,000.00 for an hour’s speech
she was being paid mostly to motivate.
Hillary and Her E-mails
It is no
secret that China and other countries have been hacking into American computers
for years including one’s used by the US federal government. Unlike some other
things like Benghazi that she has been accused of mishandling, Hillary’s use of
a non-governmental e-mail account to do government business in her position as
Secretary of State is a very serious matter. She admits now that it was a
mistake in not having both a government and private e-mail account. She also
claims her actions were no different than other former Secretary of State’s.
To some it is
quite clear that she felt that she was above what had been established as
protocol when using e-mails to conduct government business. Her service
provider didn’t have government authorization to start with. He was some guy
who operated out of an apartment in Denver, Colorado.
In all
Hillary sent or received about 62,000 e-mails on her private server during her
time as Secretary of State. When she left that office she had about 30,000
e-mails professionally “scrubbed” as private communications. The scrubbing was done by a
private firm in New Jersey.
Hillary has
appeared at a number of hearings regarding her e-mails. She tries to make it
sound that she has been quite forthcoming in providing information but some
think that she wouldn’t have provided the information had she not been caught.
She also set
up an e-mail account for her assistant Huma Abedin who is married to former New
York Congressman Anthony Weiner. Weiner quit politics when it was revealed that
he was sending pictures of himself to women on the internet of his penis
showing through his underwear. Hillary and Abedin both had husbands they
couldn’t trust but stayed married to them.
In 2009
Abedin was appointed as Hillary’s chief of staff in the State Department. While
working for Hillary she also had 3 other jobs. She was a consultant for The
Clinton Foundation, she created a consulting company called Zain Endeavors, and
she worked as a consultant for a worldwide company called Teneo whose clients
included Coca-Cola and MF Global. MF Global was a big player in the financial
derivatives business and went bankrupt in 2011.
The Clinton’s
background can get quite complicated. For some Democratic voters it isn’t just
what they know that makes them distrust her it is the unknown entanglements
both of them have with others with financial wealth and political influence.
There was a
time in America, back in the 1960s and 1970s, when there was a lot of
enthusiasm by young people to alter the status quo on a number of social
issues. College campuses throughout the US were hotbeds for protests against a
variety of social injustices. College was more affordable back then and many
parents had saved their money so that their kids could get a step up in life.
It was a time
when marches and other displays of discontent were common. It was like a sea
change in some ways. A lot of young men were very concerned about being drafted
into participating in the Viet Nam War that many wanted no part of. Racial
inequality was an issue as were environmental concerns. It was a time of
increased sexual freedom and the introduction of “the pill”. Popular music at
the time reflected the youthful rebelliousness. A lot of young men let their
hair grow long, fashion changed dramatically, and a lot of people were smoking
groups were started. There was more concern for the poor and the less fortunate
in life. Some looked to spiritualism or Eastern religions instead of
Christianity. There was a lot of idealism going on.
Not all of
America felt this way. Close to 50% of Americans were conservative and many of
them loathed the idea of changes to the social structure. By the 1980s many of
the people who were active in various causes were now in their thirties. A lot
of those that had marched and protested years before had changed their focus.
Writer Thomas Wolfe labelled it “The Me Generation”. Living on a commune, for
instance, had become a futile effort and a thing of the past.
Idealism was
put on the back burner. Some sort of job was needed to support their families.
Delivering the mail for example wasn’t that bad an idea. It paid reasonably
well and long walks were a healthy thing. Some started their own businesses
including selling food that was more natural and without chemical additives.
Being financially secure was no longer something to be scoffed at.
Sanders grew up in Brooklyn, New York in a Jewish family. His father was an
immigrant from Poland. Bernie spent a bit of time as a teenager working on a
kibbutz in Israel. He studied at Brooklyn College for 1 year (1959-60) before
transferring to The University of Chicago where he was very active in student
politics and joined The Young People’s Socialist League. In 1963 he took part
in The March on Washington where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I have a
dream” speech. In the summer of 1963 Sanders was arrested in Chicago during a
demonstration against segregation in Chicago schools. He was also active in the
peace and anti-war movements.
After college
Sanders moved back to the New York area where he held a number of jobs
including being a carpenter, a Head Start teacher, and a psychiatric aide. In
1968 he decided to move to Vermont and bought 85 acres of land there after
seeing some posters in a window touting Vermont as a great place to live. He
managed to scrape by in his first few years in Vermont by working as a film
maker, writer, and once again as a carpenter.
At the time
(1968) Vermont had a total population of 430,000 people and its biggest city,
Burlington, had 35,000 people. Less than 8,000 people lived in the state
capital, Montpelier. Dating back to the 19th century Vermont was one
of the 1st states to be against slavery and one of the first that
allowed women to vote.
If you drive
around rural Vermont you would think that agriculture, including of course
maple syrup, is a big part of the state’s economy. It isn’t and has been in
decline for decades. Still it is often viewed by outsiders as a laid back state
where nothing much of significance hardly ever happens.
As a member
of the Liberty Union Party, a radical left wing group, Sanders ran for the
office of governor in 1972 and 1974 and lost badly both times. In 1980 he was
elected as mayor of the city of Burlington and won his first term by a mere 10
votes. He identified himself as a socialist.
served 3 terms as mayor of Burlington. The city became the first to fund
community-trust housing. His administration balanced the budget and drew a
minor league baseball team to the city. Perhaps his biggest accomplishment was
halting a hotel and condo development on the city’s waterfront on Lake
Champlain where the rail yards used to be located. Instead the area was
redeveloped with a mix of housing, parks, and public space, including miles of
beaches, a boathouse, bike paths, and a science center.
In 1988
Sanders ran for congress as an Independent and lost by a small margin. 2 years
later he ran again and won. He was the first “independent” to be elected to
congress in 40 years. He served as a representative for 16 years.
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Burlington, Vermont |
Bernie has
been pretty steady about his political beliefs over the years but differs with
most progressives on one particular issue and that is gun rights. He claims
that because he is from a more rural state where hunting is common he doesn’t
want to restrict hunters from possessing guns. It’s a pretty weak argument but
it is possible he feels he wouldn’t get elected without standing with gun
In 2007
Sanders was elected as the junior senator from Vermont. Even though he ran as
an Independent he was endorsed by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Barak Obama and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean campaigned for Sanders. He
caucused with the Democrats and gave them a majority 51-49 in the senate in
His deal with
the Democrats is that he will vote yes on most things that party wants to do.
In return he gets to be on a number of committees including The Budget, Environment
and Public Works, Energy and Natural Resources, Health, Education, Labor and
Pensions, and Veterans’ Affairs. In his tenure as senator he was the 3rd
most popular person in the US to hold that position.
Americans, particularly right wingers, consider anyone who has socialist
leanings to be similar to a communist. Sanders admires the type of socialism
that is part of the fabric of a number of Northern European countries including
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands. Every one of these
countries has universal health care and provides their people with a number of other social benefits like daycare.. Unions
have a place in their societies. On the other hand free enterprise also thrives
with companies like Ikea, Royal Dutch Shell, Volkswagen, BMW, Fiat, Siemens,
Nestle, Bosch, Unilever, Maersk, doing business internationally.
In 2015
Sanders decided to run for president for the Democratic Party. Initially there
were 5 contenders but 2 dropped out right away. Martin O’Malley, a former
governor of Maryland dropped out a few months later. He seemed like a very
reasonable guy but he never could get any traction. Most Democrats knew that
this was Hillary Clinton’s turn.
Sanders started off slow and it took a while for him to attract big crowds, many who were younger voters. Nothing is going to get college students more on a politician’s side than telling them that you want to see free college tuition and that was exactly what Bernie was offering.
Bernie talks like an old hippie but more and more people were becoming aware of what he stands for. The truth is a plurality of Americans believe in most things he stands for but they aren’t savvy when it comes to being politically organized and are not connected to those in the US with influence financially and politically. Here’s a brief list of some things in Bernie’s platform.
Sanders started off slow and it took a while for him to attract big crowds, many who were younger voters. Nothing is going to get college students more on a politician’s side than telling them that you want to see free college tuition and that was exactly what Bernie was offering.
Bernie talks like an old hippie but more and more people were becoming aware of what he stands for. The truth is a plurality of Americans believe in most things he stands for but they aren’t savvy when it comes to being politically organized and are not connected to those in the US with influence financially and politically. Here’s a brief list of some things in Bernie’s platform.
-Raising the
minimum wage to $15.00 an hour nationally.
community college tuition.
-Getting big
money out of politics.
climate change.
-A fair and humane
immigration policy.
affordable social housing.
investment in rebuilding the US’s infrastructure.
-Equal pay
for women.
-Medicare for
Wall Street.
-Making the
wealthy and major corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
-Putting an
end to oil fracking.
America’s military involvement with other countries.
Sanders often
talks about the financial inequality in the US. 70% of the countries in the
world have a more equal distribution of wealth than the US. The gap between the
rich and the poor in the US has grown wider and wider over the past several
decades. A number of major corporations don’t pay any taxes at all although
they benefit from a lot of things paid by other taxpayers like roads, bridges
airports, police and fire departments, and the military.
Political Pundits
Americans still get their TV news from the 3 major US TV networks NBC, CBS, and
ABC followed by FOX News which is 100% right wing Republican.
A common claim
that Republicans make is that the media has a right wing bias. The reality is
that Republicans are most of the guests on Sunday morning news talk shows like
Meet The Press and Face The Nation.
Republican Senator John McCain has been on Meet The Press 69 times in
the last number of years. Donald Trump is on TV almost every day.
often tend to watch MSNBC that has Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and Lawrence
O’Donnell as hosts who are to the left politically. They are counterbalanced by
Morning Joe that runs for 3 hours every morning and is hosted by Republican Joe
Scarborough. Chris Mathews has a program on MSNBC called Hardball and although
he is a Democrat he’s usually more of a centrist. He often talks over his
on political TV programs are often allowed to get away with bold faced lies.
They are mostly Republicans. There are 2 reasons at least for this. One is the
time restraint. It takes a while to point out a politician’s lies and the next
commercial is coming up. Calling someone a liar has consequences. They may
never come back on the show and they may be good for ratings and calling them
out may alienate both advertisers and viewers.
There is
something very unique on American political TV. Religion is often a part of
discussions but it kind of slides by under the radar. No host ever questions a
politician who makes claims that “god” has directed him or her to make
political decisions, even when some of those decisions hurt the weaker in
American society.
Rarely is
someone without a high income given a voice on political TV shows. “Experts”
offer their second hand opinions instead. People who are struggling from
paycheck to paycheck could give a damn about polls and statistics. A lot of
this stuff is just a game to pundits. They can’t hide their excitement when
some new shit hits the fan.
The internet
allows for open season on political views and a lot of what is written involves
insults. Facts are quite often ignored. Rarely is there ever any bending in
peoples’ opinions.
Talk radio is
a big deal in the US and mostly it is right wing. A lot of listeners enjoy being
pissed off and angry. Hysteria often rules and radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Laura
Ingraham, Michael Medved, and Glenn Beck egg them on. The theme is always the
same, someone is plotting to take away some of their rights.
At this point
Trump looks like he has the Republican nomination in the bag. If he is slightly
short of votes when the Republican convention happens in Cleveland this summer,
he could be contested but if the Republican Party chose someone else there
would be anarchy and many of his supporters simply wouldn’t vote.
Trump’s inner
circle is now claiming that his bombast over the past 9 months are so has all
been an act and that he is now prepared to take the higher road and act more
presidential. This won’t last.
If Trump gets
the nomination he could very well harm other Republicans down ticket and both
The Senate and The House could be up for grabs.
The only
thing stopping Hillary Clinton from being the next US president at this point
is the chance that she gets criminally charged for her use of her private
e-mails in ways that jeopardized her position as Secretary of State.
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The Clintons at Trump's last wedding |
Sanders vows to stay in the run for the Democratic nomination until their
convention. He has zero chance of winning but doesn’t want to let Hillary off
the hook on his and his follower’s progressive ideals.
The most
likely scenario is that most Democrats, including Sander’s supporters, a lot of
Independents, and some Republicans, will bite the bullet and vote for Hillary.
Many are
concerned that if a Republican became president the Supreme Court would be
controlled by right wing idealists for the next decade at least.
To many
Hillary is simply the lesser of 2 evils.
Some people
will get what they want. Most people won’t. What else is new?